Halloween party ideas 2015

PCI is a non-profIt organization dedicated to preventing disease, improving community health, and promoting sustainable development worldwide. With support from United States Department ofAgriculture (USDA), PCI Tanzania is implementing Food for Education (FFE) programming to improve the literacy and nutrition of primary and pie-primary children in Bunda, Butiama
and Musoma Rural Districts.
PCI is now announcing a position of Community Mobilizer based in Musoma District at Ward Level
The Community Mobilizer will mobilize community participation and contributions to the project, provide technical support and ensure the quality implementation of Education activities in project schools primarily within their cluster responsibility, and will provide technical and administrative support when necessary to other PCI program activities at the ward, school and village levels both within Iheir cluster of responsibility and as needed by PCI program in other clusters.

The officer will be responsible to create/raise awareness among participating schools and communities through participatory and community-centered approaches in order to establish supportive environment for program interventions implementation. Will also be responsible in supporfing implementation of program activities at the school level; in data collection using Mobenzi checklists and monitoring and feedback using school log books: will facilitate collective problem solving; promote quality assurance; strengthen linkages and information exchange betswen program staff, stekoholciers and beneficiaries.

Key Responsibilities:
1. Community Entry, Sensitization, Mobilization Secure boy-in and support of key leaders in project targeted
communities including ward and village government, traditional leaders, and School Committee members through culturally appropriate and effective sensitization of the project objectives and activities especially through Journey of Life (JOL) methodology
• Stimulate involvement of parents, teachers, School Committees, community leaders, extension workers and local government authorities through contributions of time, materials, participation, and other support to the project.
• Provide information, progress updates, address challenges, clear
misconceptions and capacity building among key actors at school
and community level.
• Represent PCI in strategicforums atvillaqe endward levels (especially
quarterly ward-level meetings), documenting and sharing notes and
recommendations with the Education Coordinator, Program Officer,
M&E Officer and other program sector Coordinators.
• Implementation of Project Activities
• Facilitate implementation of education-sec/or related project activities
to achieve pro(ect objectives in accordance with approved work
plans and agreed upon modalities with the Education Coordinator.
• Support capacity building for teachers, parents, and village leaders
to effectively implement education project activities, in consultation
with Education Coordinator and other respective PCI Program staff.
• Actively promote community members to take a more active
leadership role in project actiwties (with emphasis to those related
to education sector), while PCI steps back into more of a facilitation
and support role to enhance ownership and sustainability.
• Support the logistics related to education trainings and distribution of
education materials and supplies procured by the project for target
• Link the program with stokeholders at ward and village level, and at
minimum, on a quarterly basis: plan, coordinate and share program
updates with the Ward Education Coordinators, and village officers
to ensure a high level of coordination, transparency, and sustainable
Technical Support & Quality Assurance
With support from the Education Coordinator, facilitate Education
trainiags at the cluster, school and community lovolo (including
communication, venue and logistics for teachers and school
administrators' re!ated trainings).
Provide support and monitoring visits to each school within the
cluster at least once per month to check-in on ongoing education
related activities.
Support schools in establishing, strengtheningand monitoring library
management systems and stimulate readership promotion activities
in collaboration with CBP Coordinator and/or CBP Officer.
Communicate and address challenges and concerns from the
schools in coordination with ward and village officials, and PCI
Program staff.
Record observations, comments and recommendations in the
school-level log book during each supportvisit (at least monthly).
• If required, support Education Sector implementation planning, or
translation of training or technical information materials
Data Collection & Reporting
• Complete relevant education sector-related checklists on Mobenzi
on a timely basis.
• Complete weekly 5.15 reports on workflowy, and a monthly report
covering all key activities for the previous month by the 51h of the
next month.
• Collect and write success stories from respective intervention
area (at least one per quarter, but preferably once per month) in
consultation with the Education and COP Coordinators, Program
Officer, M&E Officer and other relevant Coordinators.
• Conduct education annual parents' forums at community level for
sharing experiences with key stakeholders and disseminating
findings, lessons and best practices in consultation with the
Education Coordinator and other relevant PCI Program staff.
• Support the M&E department in the collection of other project-related
data at the schools within the cluster of responsibility, and other
program areas as needed.
Support of other sectors
• As needed, and in coordination with the Education Coordinator,
support other sectors or activities within the cluster of responsibility.
• Facilitate logistics to support monitoring and evaluation activities in
the area including site visits.
• Participate in the education or other program, situation analysis,
baseline survey, midterm review, final evaluation and any other
studies conducted within the project.
• Support key two-way communication with relevant ward, village and
school-level officials and PCI on all program-related information.
Qualifications and Experience
• At least a University Degree/Diploma in Social Sciences, Education,
Sociology, Agriculture, Economics, or other relevant field, or at least
4 years of relevant community based experience and Computer literacy
• At least 2 years of community-based experience.
• Willingness to work and We at ward level with monthly visits or as
required to district capital.
• High level of familiarity with the respective districts and wards preferred.
• Experience /Ability and official license to ride a motorcycle is required.

Please visit our website at www.pci cilobal.orci and Click on the "Careers link under the About Us tab. This will take you to PCI's Career Portal. Click on the employment opportunities tab and then click on Search Current
Openings to find and apply for this open position with PCI Tanzania.

A first review of candidates will happen after Thursday 24, December 2015
PCI is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Only Successful Candidate will be contacted

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